
Monday, December 26, 2011


I dub thy day the WORST OF THE YEAR!

The day after Christmas is terrible. 364 more days until the time of the year comes again. Depressing? Uh, ya. Anyway I had a great Christmas. I actually went to sleep at 12 and didn't wake up until 8! Amazing! Last year I went to bed at 9, woke up at 12, and didn't go back to sleep. My back has been hurting to, so going to sleep was a Christmas miracle. I got lots of socks this year. 3 fuzzy socks, one pair of adorable knee high socks, and a pair of knit socks with leather on the bottom. I used to not like those, but they really grew on me. I got a hamburger bank, a giant skeleton key, a lava lamp, a polka dot trashcan :), two journals, zebra duck tape, a sock monkey shaped blue chalk board, a game of Funglish, a caboodle, a grabber thing, an apron,various stocking stuffers, and a pair of fluffy booty house slippers. It was a little less than normal, but I love everything so I don't care a bit.  I still got more than I need! This year I bought my mom full sized lotion bottle, (Be Enchanted), and a necklace she has been wanting from Charming Charlie's. I also made a small knitted polar bear for my Nana. We made the turkey this year and it took FOREVER! We finally ate lunch/supper at three. I am so thankful for my family and the many blessings I have. I have exciting news....I am getting a new bed!!!! I have had my bunk bed for over a year, and since my room is smallish it takes up a lot of space. I like it, but I would rather have a normal bed. I am going to sell the bunk bed and get a new bed from ikea. Ya! I can't wait to re-arrange my room. 2011 was a great year. I can't wait to see what 2012 brings!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Hannah is coming over today! I guess I just left it in God's hands, I mean I was happy with what I got and now look! Isn't God good?! My mom is going to take her family's pictures and then she'll come with me to my other cousin's (Emma's) 8th birthday. I think. More updates later. Please pray that it won't rain!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Today was fun! Callie, my friend, came over. I haven't seen her in over a year. She has grown up alot! She is one of my really close friends and I miss her already. You might want to check out her blog: . Today we might be able to eat out at Pei Wei.  I can't believe this week is Christmas Eve. Wow. Please comment!


Well...I feel it, the magical spirit of Christmas! Yesterday we went to the apartment to deliver the gifts and food to the little girl and her family. When we went to pick up the food we realized the police had already done it. So w
we just went straight to the apartment and knocked. No one answered for the longest time and then the little girl came and it sounded like she was going to answer the door. After a lot of yelling in Spanish she opened the door and happily said, "Hola!" Anyway, she seemed really happy when we were leaving about the gifts. Let me just say my mom had some mad Spanish skills and was using them whenever possible. After waiting for about six hours the other O'Learys came (my cousins, uncle, and aunt) and we me, Hannah, mom, and dad set out to the special surprise. I suspected it was Chick-Fil-A and then ice-skating considering my mom told me  to wear two pairs of long socks, a scarf, and a warm jacket. I was blind folded in the car with my own scarf. Lights started getting really bright so I thought we were coming to a lights show since my mom said I could be dressing warmly cause we're going outside. Man, I disappointed! Then we went outside (still blind-folded) and we walked. I heard "Thank you Mister Bailey." in an official voice and I asked if Mr.Bailey had anything to do with it. I smelled salsa ,and Chinese food. I tripped a couple of times because Hannah and my mom forgot to tell me to step up. Suddenly my mom told me to open my eyes. I was staring down on the second floor at the Galleria ice-skating rink with it's huge Christmas tree! I was so excited! First my mom told me I could pick anywhere in the mall to eat before we went ice skating and then get a special drink later. We walked around and I finally chose La Madeline. Me and Hannah shared a bowl of french onion soup and each got our own grilled cheese. Then Hannah was about to put her long socks on when she realized she had thrown one of socks at her brother Chad and forgot it. Luckily I had two pairs on and gave one to Hannah. I got in trouble by my Dad for doing that in a restraunt.  Finally it wasa time to skate. After waiting in line for litterally an hour, it was time. When I I first got on the first thought that was in my mind was "This is not like rollerblading. I cannot do this. The ice was slick and wet and had ridges from skates all over it even though it had barely been like three minutes when the guy  took the line down. I wobbled on knowing this was a disaster. After awhile me and Hannah kind of got the hang of it. We had only been skating once before (me three her seven, different times of course!). It was so crowded. After awhile me and Hannah were doing basic wide spins and weaving at top speed through the crowd. It was fun! Somehow we always met up after we weaved through the crowd. Me and her only fell once. She was doing a spin and lost her balance, and I was doing a spin and someone ran into me. Iceskates do not have brakes. It seemed as though we had been on the ice for days and when the zamboni came it seemed like hours until he was finished. Hannah during those lovely two hours knocked over a little boy, and I whacked a little girl in the eye, on accident of course. After we got of (VERY reluctantly) we went to Sonic and got a cream slush, me blue coconut and her cherry. Then we went home my Aunt Tina was making adorable cupcakes! It was such a fun time. And I'm going to get to see them again on Tuesday (maybe Monday). It was a splendid time.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Christmas time is almost here. Well, it practiclly is. School is out and everyone is happy. Right? Not. For some reason I just don't feel it. I am angry I don't feel it. Perhaps it had to do with something called "my-math-test-I-didn't-know-we-had-and-didn't-study-and-got-the-worst-grade-in-math-I've-ever-gotten". I think that is going to change today, hopefully, because we are going to give to the family in need (read last post) and get Hannah, and go to the birthday suprise (read back like 5 posts or so). Man, I've been waiting for the special birthday thing since before Thanksgiving. I'm excited about Christmas I think. A bit nervous too....I mean Christmas is nerve wracking! I didn't know what I wanted this year but I'm sure what I get will be great. On a brighter note yesterday we did NOTHING (Well I finished up the math test). During Language and Math we just watched the original Miracle On 34 Street, colored version with our pillows and salty snack. We also got a free dress day, yay! We made cowgirl cookies in a jar, Chrtsmas version, and had a $5 giftcard exchange. I had gotten a giftcard from Target. It had a picture of a penguin tanning in the artcic in a lawn chair. It smelled like coconuts. At the end of the giftcard exchange I got a gift card to Sonic. I bought montzerlla sticks and a medium blue coconut slush. Yummy! More updates later.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Woke up in the morning feeling extremely cozy and not ready to get up... did anyway. I went to language arts and realized I hadn't discussed questions I was supposed to with my mom. Went to math and had a test that was a surprise...for me. I didn't see it on the assignment sheet and hadn't studied. It was SO hard!!! I didn't even finish it. But then we had a birthday celebration and I got yummy popcorn, cream soda, skittles, and chips. Yum! Went to science and had a big test and folder check. I had no clue where two papers were...(one was in the trash actually) I'm guessing I'll get a 90, but not sure. So not a good day at school, but I'm still trying to stay cheery. Almost done with school!! On Saturday I'm going to have a busy day. I'm going to pick up Hannah and go do the special birthday thing (If you haven't heard of this before, go back and read a couple posts). Then were going to give some gifts and food to a family in need. There is a little 4 year old girl who doesn't even have a coat and walks to the bus stop wrapped in blankets. :( Thankfully we can spread the love of Jesus and give her a coat and a little toy. I can't wait!! My tooth is almost out and I've heard the tooth fairy is still willimg to come and give us so cizash :) (I meant to spell like that). I'm excited and happy and ready for school to be over! How about you?

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Yesterday was my birthday. We didn't celebrate. Okay, we went to my favorite restraut, Chick-Fil-A. My sister, Brooke (she's 5) threw 16 fits that day. I counted. No big celebration....on my birthday

   We did the day before! LOL! On December 6 I went to my Nana's house and had her AWESOME/MY FAVORITE/FUDGEILIOUS cake. We sang happy birthday and we opened presents. My Aunt I got a 20$ gift card to Chick-Fil-A! Ya Aunt Amy! I love that place. :) From my Nana and Papaw I got Just Dance 3 which has been so much F.U.N! And from my mom (it was wrapped in tin foil since we didn't have paper ;) ) I got.......DRUM ROLL (please beat your desk)

Sorry to interrupt the moment, but let me just say it was the same size and felt exactly like the "car headlights" box. It was.....

DRUM ROLL (please beat your desk)

IT  WAS AN IPOD 4G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Nana and Papaw helped out and I got one! Ya! Thank you so much! It is white and awesome. :) I got a "white birthday". Get it? I'm having so much fun texting, face-timing, and playing games. Haven't downloaded any music yet LOL. I bought an otterbox through Amazon today, defender series, light blue and white. My mom got a trial two day shipping so it will be here on Monday. It was $37.00 including tax. Next Saturday I'm going to a suprise place (no one will tell me) and my Mom said it is like a gift in itself. I thought it might be picking out an ipod, but I already have one... very mysterious. A very small group of people I've found out are coming. Hmm......


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Book Reject And Gingerbread men

I read the second book in the Mysterious Benedict Society. I am was very upset. It did not meet my standards. I was so sad. How could a sequel to a marvelous book be so....bad? I guess I liked from page 350 or so okay. I liked Cannonball. He seemed nice. I also liked their adventure when they went to the library to the hotel.

The King (He was a jumbo sized one!) Notice the crown.

Winter Wonderland
  Okay, on a more positive note, we made gingerbread people! Here are some pictures and videos.

Now, get ready for the new most embarrassing moment of my life.
My mom was subbing for a fourth grade science class. I went with her. The activities went by too quickly, so we did math board races. We borrowed 3rd grade math. I went up to compete. And lost. Let me just say in my defense it was long division (takes awhile) and I was doing a problem the divisor being 8 and she was doing 5. And I'm not good at doing math in front of people.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Awww....the first day of December is here and you can feel it in the air. I'm supposed to be memorizing stuff for school, but right now I don't really care. Today we're making my Dad a guitar/recording center in his bedroom. His guitar stuff used to be around the house, but now it has a home. Today I found a box of ipod adapters...just "iPod". My mom claimed she found it on top the fridge, it used to be for her iPhone. Uh  huh, uh huh, uh huh. Tomorrow is hot lunch at school (we get chick-fil-a). NOT ME! WHAH! Chick-Fil-A is my most faaaaaaaaavorite restraunt. My mom didn't pay for hot lunch. #@%!?. (I didn' really say anything...just felt right to type that. :) ). I get a salad, I like salads, but still. I got $180 today for two American Girls, a doll vanity,  a doll sleeping bag, and some outfits. It was drop-dead deal. (mad face) I was selling Lanie. The lowest for JUST the doll was like 120. Oh well, that's 180 in your pocket! Bye!
